Call for Papers

“Realizing the Golden Generation 2045 Through Physical Education, Sports Science, and Sustainable Health”

1. Innovation in physical education to improve children’s fitness and health.
2. Challenges and opportunities in the development of sports science in the digital age.
3. The role of nutrition and a healthy lifestyle in supporting sports achievement.
4. Utilization of technology in the evaluation and development of athlete performance.
5. The effect of physical activity on cognitive, affective, psychomotor, and mental health.

·Physical literacy and pedagogy
·Health education in schools and communities
·Psychology and sociology of sports
·Sports performance and technology
·Sports medicine and health sciences
·Management of sports organizations and sporting events
·Physical activity, exercise, fitness, and wellbeing
·Sport biomechanics

Abstract Submission:
Please be noted that the submission process is conducted in the ICSSPEH 2024 Submission System only (NOT BY EMAIL) to guarantee a systematics administration. Authors must create an account in the submission system, then submit an abstract in the system by logging into their account. Here, the authors may upload more than one abstract. Please pay attention to the following concern.

·The abstracts must be written in English.
·Each abstract should not exceed 250 words which state the research problem, approach/method, purpose, results and conclusion.
·Followed by 4-6 keywords.
·The abstract should not contain any single quote (“), apostrophe (‘), line spaces, and tables.
It causes the submission system cannot read and save the whole abstract.

If you need the abstract template, please click VIEW ABSTRACT FORMAT TEMPLATE at the bottom of abstract submission page.

Contact Persons

Faculty of Sport Sciences
Campus B of Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Jl Pemuda No 10, Jakarta Timur 13220

Heru (+62857 8017 7181)
Okki (+62821 2231 0010)
Dwi Indra (+62813 1603 9195)


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