More women in the U S. are drinking themselves to death, research finds

Though men are still more likely to die of alcohol-related causes than women are, alcohol-related hospitalizations and deaths are rising faster among women than men. During the first year of the pandemic, women increased their “heavy drinking” days—days on which they had four or more drinks—by 41 percent, compared with 7 percent among men. …

Microdosing LSD: Benefits, risks, and more

Psychedelics are powerful psychoactive substances that produce mind-altering effects including changes in perception, mood, and cognition. Interest in microdosing has grown tremendously in recent years, spawning an abundance of online discussions, videos, and articles devoted to the practice. Despite the dramatic rise in prominence, research on the practice is still in its relative infancy. Another …

Fatal opioid overdoses reduce US life expectancy by nearly a year

Like cancer, addiction is easier treated if an individual seeks help early in advance because the symptoms worsen or before severe damage to the body is done. Spring Hill Recovery Center provides residential treatment for how to detox weed naturally from your system addiction and co-occurring mental health issues. However, some conditions may require treatment beyond …