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The Fifth Annual Civic Education Conference (5th ACEC) is an international conference regularly held by the Indonesia Association of Pancasila and Civic Education Profession (IAPCEP)  in collaboration with Partner Universities. This year, we are proud to partner with the Department of Pancasila and Citizenship Education at Universitas Negeri Jakarta, East Jakarta, DKI Jakarta Provience, who will serve as our Host.

The theme of the 5th ACEC 2024, “The Future of Civic Education: What Next?”, has been carefully selected to embrace the complexity of challenges faced by Indonesia and the world today. These challenges encompass a range of national, regional, and global issues. Civic education plays a crucial role in preparing competent, ethical, and caring global citizens who are well-equipped to tackle these challenges. This theme reflects the importance of understanding and addressing diverse challenges with an inclusive approach.

We invite scientists, scholars, engineers, and students from universities around the world, as well as industry professionals, to present ongoing research activities. The conference is a pivotal platform to foster global research cooperation. It provides a unique opportunity for delegates to discuss and share experiences of new applications directly, to build business or research relationships, and to find global partners for future collaboration.

Join us at the 5th ACEC 2024 to be a part of this essential conversation and contribute towards shaping the future of civic education on a global scale.