Similarity Test by Turnitin

Kami sampaikan bahwa naskah bapak/ibu akan masuk dalam proses review. Namun, sebelum naskah distribusikan ke Reviewer, kami meminta bapak/ibu untuk mengisi lembar _CONSENT TO PUBLICATION ASSISTANCE and COPYRIGHT TRANSFER_ terbaru sekaligus memilih jenis publikasi yang diinginkan. Lembar tersebut dapat diunduh di SINI

We inform you that your manuscript will be included in the review process. However, before distributing the manuscript to Reviewer, we ask you to fill out the latest CONSENT TO PUBLICATION ASSISTANCE and COPYRIGHT TRANSFER sheet and also select the type of publication you want. The sheet can be downloaded HERE 

Setelah bapak/ibu mengisinya, mohon untuk melakukan pembayaran sesuai dengan jenis publikasi yang diinginkan ke nomor rekening yang tertera dalam lembar tersebut kemudian mengirimkan bukti bayar bapak/ibu ke e-mail yang juga tertera di dalam lembar tersebut. Setelah bukti bayar dikirimkan ke e-mail yang dimaksud, bapak/ibu dimohon untuk mengunggah lembar _CONSENT TO PUBLICATION ASSISTANCE and COPYRIGHT TRANSFER_ dari dalam akun masing-masing menggunakan tombol *Upload Copyright Transfer* [Login >>> Abstract >>> seret ke bawah menuju tombol yang dimaksud].

After you have filled it out, please make a payment according to the type of publication you want to the account number listed on the sheet then send your proof of payment to the e-mail which is also listed on the sheet. After proof of payment has been sent to the e-mail in question, you are asked to upload the _CONSENT TO PUBLICATION ASSISTANCE and COPYRIGHT TRANSFER_ sheet from within your user account using the Upload Copyright Transfer button [Login >>> Abstract >>> scroll down to the specified button].

Hanya pembayaran yang terkonfirmasi yang dapat masuk dalam proses review. Jika naskah bapak/ibu DITOLAK (REJECTED) oleh ICELS maka dana yang telah bapak/ibu bayarkan akan dikembalikan 100%. Selanjutnya, naskah yang DITERIMA (ACCEPTED) oleh ICELS akan dikirimkan ke KLINIK JURNAL untuk proses publikasi.

Only confirmed payments can be included in the review process. If your manuscript is REJECTED by ICELS then the funds you have paid will be returned 100%. Furthermore, the manuscripts ACCEPTED by ICELS will be sent to the KLINIK JURNAL Company for publication process.

Jadi, selama proses review berlangsung, kami sangat mengharapkan kerja sama yang baik dalam segala perbaikan yang diminta agar naskah bapak/ibu bisa lolos ke KLINIK JURNAL untuk proses publikasi yang bapak/ibu inginkan.

So, during the review process, we sincerely hope for good cooperation in all requested improvements so that your manuscript can pass to the KLINIK JURNAL for the publication process that you want.



  • Nomor rekening tujuan dan e-mail pengiriman bukti bayar hanya ada tertera di dalam lembar _CONSENT TO PUBLICATION ASSISTANCE and COPYRIGHT TRANSFER_.
  • The destination Bank account number and e-mail for sending payment proof are only listed on the _CONSENT TO PUBLICATION ASSISTANCE and COPYRIGHT TRANSFER_ sheet.
  • Saat mengirimkan bukti bayar, berilah nama filenya dengan nama BUKTI BAYAR ICELS 2020. Isilah E-mail Subject dengan format NAMA LENGKAP_NOMOR ABS_NOMOR FULL PAPER_NOMOR USER ID.
  • When sending proof of payment, please provide the file name with the name PAYMENT PROOF ICELS 2020. Fill in the E-mail Subject with the format FULL NAME_ABS NUMBER_FULL PAPER ID_USER ID.
  • Pembayaran TIDAK BOLEH dilakukan secara kolektif.
  • Payments MAY NOT be made collectively.
  • Hanya publikasi jurnal Scopus yang dapat melakukan pembayaran sebanyak dua (2) kali yaitu 50% untuk di awal dan 50% setelah dinyatakan ACCEPTED oleh jurnal. Selain dari jenis publikasi tersebut, bapak/ibu HARUS membayar penuh.
  • Only Scopus journal publications may be paid twice, namely 50% at the beginning and 50% after being declared ACCEPTED by the intended journal. Apart from these types of publications, you MUST pay in full.

Kami sampaikan bahwa uji Turnitin telah dilakukan. Bapak/ibu penulis yang hasil uji Turnitin naskahnya menunjukkan 30% ke atas maka secara otomatis ditolak (Rejected). Notifikasi ini dapat dilihat di akun masing-masing serta bapak/ibu dapat mengunduh file hasil uji Turnitin (khusus bagi penulis yang papernya ditolak) pada menu My Files >>> File >>> Revised Paper.

We inform you that the Turnitin test has been carried out. Authors whose Turnitin test results show that the manuscript is 30% and over then it is automatically rejected. This can be seen in your User Account and you may download the Turnitin test result file (the rejected papers only) on the My Files >>> File >>> Revised Paper menu.

Namun, kami masih memberikan kesempatan kepada bapak/ibu penulis yang hasil uji Turnitin naskahnya antara 31% – 40% untuk melakukan perbaikan naskah dengan cara memparafrase teks yang berwarna merah. Setelah itu, naskah yang telah diperbaiki dapat diunggah kembali dari dalam akun masing-masing melalui menu Upload Revised Paper. Naskah HARUS dalam format MS Office Word. Naskah perbaikan tersebut dapat kami terima paling lambat tanggal 5 Oktober 2020, pukul 24.00 WIB.

However, we still provide opportunities to Authors whose Turnitin test results are between 31% – 40% to make amendments to the manuscript by paraphrasing the text in red especially. After that, the revised manuscripts must be uploaded again from your User Account using Upload Revised Paper menu. The manuscripts MUST be in MS Office Word format. We can receive the amended manuscripts no later than October 5, 2020, at 24.00 PM Jakarta Time.

Bapak/ibu yang hasil uji Turnitin naskahnya di atas 41% dimohon untuk TIDAK menindaklanjuti pengumuman ini. Dengan kata lain, naskah bapak/ibu penulis telah benar-benar dinyatakan Rejected.

Authors whose Turnitin test results are above 41% are requested NOT to follow up on this announcement. In other words, the Authors’ manuscripts have been completely Rejected.

Bapak/ibu yang hasil uji Turnitin naskahnya di bawah 31% (0% – 30%) akan terlihat status Undecided di dalam akun bapak/ibu. Selanjutnya, bapak/ibu menunggu informasi berikutnya di tanggal 6 Oktober 2020.

Authors whose Turnitin test results are below 31% (0% – 30%) will be shown by the Undecided status in their User Accounts. Furthermore, you are waiting for further information on October 6, 2020.

To download your Similarity tes result file, please visit HERE.